Drug addiction substance use disorder Symptoms and causes


There are those who obtained this drug as a result of having a medical condition for which it is indicated. This group typically will not develop a substance use disorder, provided they follow https://ecosoberhouse.com/ the prescribing doctor’s orders. There are also those who do not have a medical need for Adderall and, through different means, obtain pills and misuse them with the intention to get a high.

Psychological Symptoms and Signs

what is Amphetamine Addiction Signs


As more people used these two forms of the drugs, its addictiveness and other problems began to be obvious. Amphetamine is a strong stimulant that has been used medically for situations when a person needs to be more alert, as in narcolepsy, a health problem that causes a person to fall asleep at any time. It has also been given to pilots and soldiers to keep them awake and alert for Amphetamine Addiction long hours. It does its job in these situations, but the side effects of this drug can be dangerous and damaging. Others include prolonged loss of appetite, unusual sleep cycles, fidgeting, increased body temperature, and dilated pupils. Some of the symptoms you may experience include panic attacks, anxiety, nightmares, mood swings, extreme hunger, depression and intense cravings.


Effects of amphetamines on an abuser’s life

  • Amphetamine is a strong stimulant that has been used medically for situations when a person needs to be more alert, as in narcolepsy, a health problem that causes a person to fall asleep at any time.
  • Cannabis often precedes or is used along with other substances, such as alcohol or illegal drugs, and is often the first drug tried.
  • On completing rehab, aftercare follows in the form of support groups, consultations and sessions with a therapist you have chosen, or any other befitting option.
  • These drugs are made illegally, and there is no control over their contents.
  • Lisdexamfetamine, a long-acting amphetamine medication, is FDA-approved for the treatment of a binge-eating disorder.

It’s best to seek treatment immediately in order to determine whether you have any co-occurring disorders, so they can be treated accordingly. You may be at a higher risk of having an amphetamine misuse disorder or addiction if you have easy access to the drug, are dealing with financial problems or are looking for a way out of emotional problems. Other risk factors include a stressful lifestyle, low self-esteem and mental disorders. It’s also a problem if you are in an environment where abuse of the drug is considered acceptable. The symptoms of amphetamine abuse will appear at different times and to varying degrees, depending on how you take the drug. In large doses, some of the effects you’re likely to experience include impaired coordination and rapid muscle deterioration.

Drug addiction (substance use disorder)

  • Recovery clinics will help you identify the underlying causes in detail so you can be aware of them, understand them, and look at practical ways of handling them.
  • Barbiturates, benzodiazepines and hypnotics are prescription central nervous system depressants.
  • Contingency management interventions, which provide tangible incentives in exchange for engaging in treatment and maintaining abstinence, have also been shown to be effective.
  • The odds of this happening to you are higher if you go on a multiday meth binge without sleeping.

However, none of these are proven to prevent amphetamine use in everyone. You may be unsuccessful at cutting down or stopping your use of amphetamines. You may continue to crave the stimulant even though you know they’re causing persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problems. You’ve built up a tolerance if you need larger doses of amphetamines to achieve the same effect that lower doses once created.

Marijuana, hashish and other cannabis-containing substances

It has been sold as Desoxyn, Benzedrine, Adderall, DextroStat and Dexedrine. There is a long list of the signs that show up when this drug is used medically or when it is abused. Finding useful information and resources about addiction or alcoholism can be a minefield.

what is Amphetamine Addiction Signs

Signs and symptoms of amphetamine addiction

Related MedlinePlus Health Topics

  • This stimulant curbs impulsivity and improves attention and focus.
  • Other common side effects of amphetamine include insomnia, headache, dry mouth, tachycardia, increase in systolic blood pressure, restlessness, and irritability.
  • The choice of agent for initial therapy is based on cost, patient preference, and concern for abuse.
  • Sometimes called the “opioid epidemic,” addiction to opioid prescription pain medicines has reached an alarming rate across the United States.
  • Therefore, an evaluation must include an investigation into evidence of such effects.

Withdrawal – Alcohol and Drug Foundation


Posted: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Fast facts about amphetamines

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